Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Intaglio Prints

Presented on Monday, November 14th - if you were absent please review the PowerPoint and be ready to begin drawing your animal when you return.

Intaglio Prints
Strongly Evident
Some Evidence
Not Apparent
Craftsmanship – Print demonstrates neatness and effort.  No unwanted ink spots, centered on paper, appropriate amount of ink

Creativity – Print design is well executed.  Design is original and the composition is filled in an interesting manner

Technique –Good use of texture to demonstrate a broad range of designs.  Patterns are unique and fill the animal form in an interesting manner 

Productivity – Efficient use of class time, project shows your best effort.  Took time and worked quietly and efficiently.  

Edition– Numbered and signed correctly.  Written in pencil, signature in lower right, 1/2 or 2/2 in lower left. Showcase the best print in the edition.


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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Relief Prints

Kahlo-Inspired Relief Prints
Strongly Evident
Some Evidence
Not Apparent
Craftsmanship – Print demonstrates neatness and effort.  No unwanted ink spots, centered on paper, appropriate amount of ink

Creativity – Print design is well executed.  Balanced use of light and dark areas, effective use of light and color.

Technique –Accurate color registration.  Both colors line up correctly.  

Productivity – Efficient use of class time, project shows your best effort.  Took time and worked quietly and efficiently.  

Edition– Numbered and signed correctly.  Written in pencil, signature in lower right, 1/2 or 2/2 in lower left.  


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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Unit 2: Printmaking

Presented on Wednesday, October 26th.
If you were absent please review the PPT and fill in the study guide.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Introduced Color Project # 2

Color Project #2:

Pastel Night-scenes

Standards: 9.1 A-E; 9.2 A-G,J-L; 9.3 A-G; 9.4 B,C,D

Media and Technique students learned about pastels and how they can still create bright, intense colors on black paper.  Students used images of scenes at night to reproduce onto black pastel paper. They blended pastels to try to match the value and hues of the original image.

Color and Value Matching- Pastel Night Scene
Strongly Evident
Some Evidence
Not Apparent
Craftsmanship – Image is neat and well presented.  Scenes are colored with intent and patience.

Technique– Effective use of media, smooth and blended technique.   

Color and Value – Effective use of color, hue, value, intensity, color schemes, etc.  Color and values match original image.  

Productivity – Efficient use of class time, project shows your best effort.  Took time and worked quietly. 

Composition – Entire page filled with imagery.  Careful attention to detail. 


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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week of 10/3-10/7

If you missed Monday 10/3 or Tueday 10/4 make sure to review the following PowerPoint:

Color Project #1 Instructions:

1. Choose an image from the filing cabinet (flowers or landscapes only)
2. Use a viewfinder to zoom into a specific area of your image
3. Begin transferring your image to 6x6” paper
            -match the side of your paper to the side of your viewfinder to keep things proportionate
4. Use color pencils (any colors) to match the colors of the original image as close as possible
            -you WILL need to blend color pencils
            -HINT- avoid using black, try using complementary colors to dull intensities


Ashley Van Auken, Georgia O'Keeffe, 2005. Graphite 18 x 24"

Georgia O'Keeffe, Red Canna, 1924. Oil on canvas.

O'Keeffe Inspired Flowers

Standards: 9.1 A-E; 9.2 A-G,J-L; 9.3 A-G; 9.4 B,C,D

Media and Technique students learned about the artist Georgia O'Keeffe and her process of cropping and enlarging natural items to create an abstract image.  Students used viewfinders to crop out an interesting composition of flower images.  Then, they blended colored pencil to try to match the value and hues of the original image. 

Color and Value Matching- Colored Pencil
Strongly Evident
Some Evidence
Not Apparent
Craftsmanship – Image is neat and well presented.    Flowers are colored with intent and patience.

Technique– Effective use of media, smooth and blended technique.   

Color and Value – Effective use of color, hue, value, intensity, color schemes, etc.  Color and values match original image.  

Productivity – Efficient use of class time, project shows your best effort.  Took time and worked quietly. 

Composition – Entire page filled with imagery. Effective cropping resulting in good composition.  Careful attention to detail. 


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