Art Room Rules and Procedures

Art Room Rules and Procedures
Miss Van Auken

The #1 rule for this artroom is to have RESPECT for:
*Teacher(s)- listen to and follow instructions given by the teacher (or any adult in the classroom)
            *One another –be positive, kind and polite to one another
            *Supplies- only use art supplies in the way they are intended for use
            *Artwork- take pride in your own artwork and the artwork in the school
            *YOURSELF- try your best and keep a positive attitude
Tardy policy- The artroom follows the same rules as your student handbook.  After 2 warnings  you will receive a detention for each tardy afterwards.
Entering the room- quietly check the white board, gather all necessary materials and begin work immediately at your seat.
Absenses- you are responsible for any missed work.  Use the white board and classmates as reference, if you are unclear you may ask me after roll is taken and class has begun.
Hall Pass- is for emergencies only.  Make sure to sign out AND in and only one student may leave at a time.
Clean up- continue work until I announce it is time to clean up.  Please clean up efficiently and as soon as it is announced and return to your seat until the bell rings.   You may not leave the room until all materials are cleaned up properly.
            *talk quietly                                                                *choose seat
            *listen to music                                                           *HAVE FUN
            1st offense = verbal warning
            2nd offense = seat change
            3rd offense = phone call home and a detention

            4th offense = phone call home and misconduct form to student affairs

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